Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Anger and Stupidity

I'm listening to Rachel Maddow elaborating on the ridiculous viewpoints and "paranoid blues" of the John Birch Society. It's thoroughly entertaining...I mean, how can anyone possibly think that the Civil Rights movement was actually a conspiracy to turn Arkansas into a "Negro Soviet Republic"? Ridiculous is the only way to describe it.

You know what's even more ridiculous? Death panels. Because I'm sure that was the whole point of the healthcare reform. Yeah, O.K.

As much as I hope that the bill will go through, I really wish that the public option could have remained where it belonged. I want everyone to be insured...I'm sick of people turning down their meds because they can't pay for them. If I hadn't worked in pharmacy for so long, I'll be honest, I wouldn't have known the severity of the issue. But seriously, it seems like the rich get to pay for their health...their if the poor's right to live and live healthily is not justified because they don't have the bucks to back it up.

Socioeconomic crises suck. It's painful to watch. It's painful to live through.

Anyway, my political passions aside, I went to Dee's house today. We talked about relationships. I kind of understand her fear of commitment - the feeling of being smothered, the feeling of things happening too quickly - without enough time to reflect on what's actually going on, and perhaps analyzing the bigger scheme of things. At the same time, though, I feel like if you're with the right person, even if the person is not Mr. Right forever, all of those fears are calmed...because that person would make it all worth it.

I'm not sure if I'm one to talk.

I guess she's having trouble because she's had so many other guys in her's like she rationed off her heart and keeps on forgetting which parts were allocated to who. Getting over people is not easy...forgetting them is even harder. I really hope things work out for her. I don't want her to get trapped into thinking that certain people care when they actually don't, or that she deserves to be treated like crap sometimes. I also know that it's hard to convince someone of that fact.

After our heavy talk, we watched Holiday Inn. Fred Astaire + Bing Crosby = OMGOMGOMG. Great movie...still mad at Fred Astaire for messing with Crosby's life so much lolz. You know what I've noticed after watching a number of 30s movies? Many of the female characters were depicted as...stupid. Maybe naive. Mostly stupid though. It's kind of infuriating, or it would be, had the many of the movies back then not been considered "lighthearted."

Speaking of stupid female characters...I'm gonna go read Twilight.


PS. Rohma left today! I already miss her.

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