Friday, May 27, 2011

I Guess I'll Just Listen While You Make Everything About You

I’m sitting here smiling sweetly
at you.

My eyes are fastened to yours
even though your line of sight
never bothers to collide
or make a vertex
with mine.

My lashes flicker anytime
your head tilts a bit
or you put some em-pha-sis
on certain words –
yup, I’m still content


I mean,
maybe the small curvature around my lips
that makes my smile
a smirk
(a very, wow-this-is-ridiculous
or a very, can’t-hear-a-thing-you-say
type of expression)
isn’t evident to you
because what you’re saying is really important –

I mean, even if
your larynx
ran out of sounds to play
your mouth would still keep running
and I’d bother to read
your lips
but my rods and my cones
are in different zones
and I’m a bit too busy smirking
at you.

Your hands make motions
as though you want me to understand
but lord knows
you just want to continue
conducting your orchestra of beautiful rhetoric
and repeating your flawless rendition
of hackneyed phrases
like “I, I, My, My”
or pretty scales of do-re-mi me me me
oh yes, sing on please -
I’m still smirking so blatantly
at you.

And it’s lovely how you don’t notice –
no, no, don’t stop your ramble
don’t take a breath
god forbid
you’d forget what you were saying
or your train of thought
for even a second
because that’d leave my ears
with an eerie silence
and it would be a sudden shame
to be deprived of my supply
of gorgeous background noise
that I use to muse
while I smirk shamelessly
at you.

1 comment:

  1. do re me me me me haha love this one (talking to self absorbed bums is SO fun isn't it? haha)
