Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bipolar Weather

I'm wayyy too early for English, so I'm waiting out here in the hallway for a while. I finished my essay yesterday, and actually slept for seven hours! I was trying to read Robinson Crusoe, but that lack of an hour's slumber caught up to me in art soc, and I took a nap on the pages instead of reading them.

Anyway, JUSTIN NOZUKA'S ALBUM IS OUT TODAY! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I'm not sure how or when I'm going to buy it. I have a gift card for Barnes and Noble but I'm not sure how to use it online. I'm not sure if I can go to Bethesda or DC tonight just because of time constraints. I'm listening to Swan in the Water right now...I LOVE IT. I love what he sings about. I feel extremely close to him because of what he writes. I feel like we'd get along...even if he probably won't marry me lol.

Anyway, I think I'll be off to class. I'll write more when I'm in there and rigorously "taking notes" on my laptop.


Still early! My hair looks awful today. I really wanted to wash it this morning, but the weather's cold and I didn't want to risk getting pneumonia as a secondary infection. It's interesting to observe how everyone is interacting with each other, I'm much too tired to mingle. Sucks that I'm always sleepy in this particular class...considering that a certain someone is bound to come in soon. I'm sitting as far away as I can from him. Call me a coward if you must. It's just that I'm not ready for any kind of emotional taxation just yet...or anytime soon.

Welllll, the class still isn't filled up...and it's totally 3:32pm. I wonder if he's gonna be late. I know he didn't read Vanity Fair either haha, he told me he's gonna base his essay off the movie. I'm sure he's not the only one. Maybe I'll see the movie some time.

Gah, he's still not here! Screw him! I mean, not really. It's not that I care that...oh he's here! Totally didn't notice. haha. Now I can actively ignore him.

Class is commencing!


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