Friday, April 9, 2010

Draft of an Untiled Poem

The fury of these waves
Who could ever resist?
Up and down and right and left
In all directions they persist
Calling for more to join the turbulent tide
Uprooting us all from where we reside.

And look at the sun’s rays
That glisten like heaven-cut diamonds
Bouncing upon each rushed way
Cataracts for our sight are what they were
No matter what our weak hearts may say
They’ve come to steal our souls away.

So in this mirage of an ocean we dive
Forgetting all those trivialities we need to survive
As long as we finally experience the depth
That for ourselves for nights we wept
But look here upon our launch
We already reached the bottom of the sea.

And injured lay our skulls
As we drag ourselves back to shore
We ponder again as we sit in shock -
Why oh why do we
Always come back for more?

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